Honokeana Cove Rental Association
Guidelines for Group Events
Honokeana Cove Resort has a long history of welcoming group events and parties, such as weddings, anniversaries, reaffirming of vows, family reunions and memorial services. Both Hawaiian style and mainland traditional events have been conducted here. To be compatible with the Cove’s peaceful environment and to not disturb other guests, amplified music and/or speech, nor alcoholic beverages, are not permitted.
Honokeana Cove does not “host” parties, meaning that we don’t have the staff to set them up or cater them. However, the Cove offers a beautiful venue to organize and conduct your own small event.
Please plan to follow these guidelines:
1. The majority of the event participants must be resident guests or owners at Honokeana Cove. Due to the limited space available, please limit the total group to no more than 10 people.
2. The Event Organizer must obtain the approval of rental managers or unit owners whose occupants are participating in the event.
3. Carpooling is encouraged. Parking for one vehicle (7 passenger van or smaller) is provided for each unit rented at the Cove. All other attendees (non-resident guests) must park off property and walk or be shuttled to Honokeana Cove.
4. For events occurring in the common area, the Event Organizer must contact the Resident Manager (thecovemgr@gmail.com or (808) 269-6986) for advance approval. Describe the event and specify the desired number of participants. Specify the names and unit numbers of those participants who are in residence at Honokeana Cove..
5. If the event occurs in the common area, it should to be located and designed so to minimize intrusion on guests in residence at the Cove.
6. The Event Organizer is responsible for setup, cleanup and compliance with house rules by all participants. The event must occur between 4 pm and 8 pm, with cleanup complete by 9 pm and all non-resident guests off the property before 10 pm. The event may not have amplified music or speech, or alcohol. A refundable deposit to cover damage and cleanup may be required prior to the event.
7. The Event Organizer must obtain a liability insurance policy from an insurance company licensed to operate in the State of Hawaii, with coverage of at least $1 million. (For your information, you might expect to pay $150 for such a policy.) Submit a copy of the policy declaration to the Resident Manager not less than 10 days before the event. Failure to provide proof of coverage will result in disallowing the event.
rev7, adopted 6/13/2024